Sunday, January 27, 2019

Saturday, January 05, 2019

Creating the planet in Rosmini primary school

This are some activities that we have done in the Primary School "Rosmini"-
Tradate on the Erasmus Project:
- Discover the beauties of our planet.
-Reflect on the works created by man and nature.
-Activities to sensitize young people to take care of our community: reduce,
reuse , recycle, clean up, separate the waste correctly, come to school on foot or by bike...
- Know the forest  park " Pineta" in Tradate, its plants and its animals and
make a tree with the treasures found by the children in the wood.
- Grow the spices in our garden and use them to make a flavored  kitchen salt.

-  Make Christmas gifts using as much as possible recycled materials.