Saturday, May 18, 2019

Birdhouses in the school

      This year we have learnt about the endangered animals and invasive species in our classrooms. For that reason we have designed an activity to work in groups and to protect the our birds: Making birdhouses.
      A team from GPEX has come to our school to teach us how to make a birdhouse. Fifth grade students and some teachers have built and hang them in our playground.
      A fantastic activity!! Now we have new neighbours!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The school garden

      Marked on the Erasmus project we have made a school garden, a vegetable garden indeed. 
      A school garden can teach kids about responsibility, teamwork, and immerse them in the concepts of organic gardening and sustainable communities.That is why a group of teachers from our school have cleaned the soil, painted stones, planted vegetables and watered them. 
      Now all the school have the opportunity to involve in a enjoyable and useful activity.

Training meeting in Badajoz

      The last week we have been visited by students and teachers from Italy, Romania and Portugal. We have celebrated the last training meeting  of the project and we are happy to say that we greeted colleagues and we said goodbye to friends.
      We have created a great project team and we worked together in the school garden. We have also elaborated enviromental decalogues and painted walls about the nature.
      The visit to the Tajo river was a great experience for all of us. We discovered the nature of Extremadura and  prehistoric remains.
      A fantastic meeting project!! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Earth day

      April 22nd is a celebration, it is a special day to celebrate the Earth. This year our four countries (Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain) have joined together to the most celebrated environmental event worldwide.
      On this day we remembered to appreciate the nature and learn ways to protect our environment.We all want people be aware of the problems of our environment.
      Dancing is an universal way of expression and we use it as a way to show we want to create a better world, that is why we all dance for the planet. We can dance all together and there are no differences between countries.
Join us to save the planet!!

Sunday, May 05, 2019

Creative recycling : scuola primaria Battisti -ITCGalilei