Friday, November 15, 2019
Writing our history: Storytelling.
Writing our history: Storytelling.: Storytelling . Our students of 4th year of Primary Education have made puppets with reusing materials to create their own characters....
Tuesday, October 08, 2019
European Day of Languages
The Fith grade class 5a say good bye. Can you say it with them?
How many languages can you understand? Try a new one today.
How many languages can you understand? Try a new one today.
European Day of Languages
The fifth grade (5B) students have prepared a word in different languages. Can you guess what it is? A clue, we did from the bottom of our...
Saturday, September 28, 2019
European Day of Languages
Our pre/Primary students say good morning in the languages of our Erasmus Proyect.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Friday, June 21, 2019
Our students of 4th year of Primary Education have made puppets with reusing materials to create their own characters. Then they performed one of the most famous tales called Little Red Riding Hood to our pupils of Pre-school Education.( Trailer)
Click on the next links to watch the videos.
Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood (LSE) (sign language)
Monday, June 10, 2019
Creating our planet magazine
Here we have our proyect magazine. You can read and see about the activities of all this year.
Wednesday, June 05, 2019
A year of activities for the planet
The second year of our proyect is ending but we are not going to stop working for the planet.
Here we show you some of the best pictures of Spain, Portugal, Italy and Romania in this great year.
Here we show you some of the best pictures of Spain, Portugal, Italy and Romania in this great year.
Saturday, June 01, 2019
Creating our planet .ICGALILEI TRADATE
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Birdhouses in the school
This year we have learnt about the endangered animals and invasive species in our classrooms. For that reason we have designed an activity to work in groups and to protect the our birds: Making birdhouses.
A team from GPEX has come to our school to teach us how to make a birdhouse. Fifth grade students and some teachers have built and hang them in our playground.
A fantastic activity!! Now we have new neighbours!
A team from GPEX has come to our school to teach us how to make a birdhouse. Fifth grade students and some teachers have built and hang them in our playground.
A fantastic activity!! Now we have new neighbours!
Thursday, May 16, 2019
The school garden
Marked on the Erasmus project we have made a school garden, a vegetable garden indeed.
A school garden can teach kids about responsibility, teamwork, and immerse them in the concepts of organic gardening and sustainable communities.That is why a group of teachers from our school have cleaned the soil, painted stones, planted vegetables and watered them.
Now all the school have the opportunity to involve in a enjoyable and useful activity.
Training meeting in Badajoz
The last week we have been visited by students and teachers from Italy, Romania and Portugal. We have celebrated the last training meeting of the project and we are happy to say that we greeted colleagues and we said goodbye to friends.
We have created a great project team and we worked together in the school garden. We have also elaborated enviromental decalogues and painted walls about the nature.
We have created a great project team and we worked together in the school garden. We have also elaborated enviromental decalogues and painted walls about the nature.
The visit to the Tajo river was a great experience for all of us. We discovered the nature of Extremadura and prehistoric remains.
A fantastic meeting project!!
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Earth day
April 22nd is a celebration, it is a special day to celebrate the Earth. This year our four countries (Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain) have joined together to the most celebrated environmental event worldwide.
On this day we remembered to appreciate the nature and learn ways to protect our environment.We all want people be aware of the problems of our environment.
Dancing is an universal way of expression and we use it as a way to show we want to create a better world, that is why we all dance for the planet. We can dance all together and there are no differences between countries.
On this day we remembered to appreciate the nature and learn ways to protect our environment.We all want people be aware of the problems of our environment.
Dancing is an universal way of expression and we use it as a way to show we want to create a better world, that is why we all dance for the planet. We can dance all together and there are no differences between countries.
Join us to save the planet!!
Wednesday, April 03, 2019
We want to create a new world, a better wold, for that reason we have made decalogues with the best ideas. Working in cooperative groups we designed posters or cards to put on our school walls to remember ourselves we should take care of the planet.
Fith and sixth grades have made acorns hanging on a cork oak. First and second grade have written their ideas onto the sun rays . And third grade elaborated posters, they are like leaves hanging on a pencil tree.
Monday, April 01, 2019
Carnival in the school
February is the month for carnival and this year we not only looked for our costumes but also for the planet. We have been ecological gardeners and we sang about recycling and protecting the enviroment.
We have chosen different colours according to the age and the purpose we want to solve. Red is for preprimary, blue (the colour of the sea) for first and second grades, pink is for third and fouth grades (renovable energy) and white is for fith and sixth grades.
We danced, sang and had a great time.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Ecobus in the school
The Ecobus has been parked in our school for three days. The students form 5 to 11 years old has learned about the enviroment. Some of them have known some invasive species and how they don't have to throw away turtles in the river. And other have learned about our protected areas and some animals in danger.
We all have fun and have a great time caring the planet.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
A planet in peace
We organized the Peace school day in our neighborhood . Not only our school want a better planet but all the schools of San Roque. We danced, sang and celebrated that we are creating our Planet with peace and solidarity.
Here we are: Luis Vives school, La soledad school, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe school, San Roque high school, Reino Aftasi high school and Enrique Iglesias García school.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Our recycled tree
The students of the class 5 B Primary School "Rosmini" of Tradate have composed a winter tree with the aluminum of their snacks.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Saturday, January 05, 2019
Creating the planet in Rosmini primary school
This are some activities that we have done in the Primary School "Rosmini"-
Tradate on the Erasmus Project:
Tradate on the Erasmus Project:
- Discover the beauties of our planet.
-Reflect on the works created by man and nature.
-Activities to sensitize young people to take care of our community: reduce,
reuse , recycle, clean up, separate the waste correctly, come to school on foot or by bike...
reuse , recycle, clean up, separate the waste correctly, come to school on foot or by bike...
- Know the forest park " Pineta" in Tradate, its plants and its animals and
make a tree with the treasures found by the children in the wood.
make a tree with the treasures found by the children in the wood.
- Grow the spices in our garden and use them to make a flavored kitchen salt.
- Make Christmas gifts using as much as possible recycled materials.
Friday, January 04, 2019
Recycling is solidarity
Recycling is solidarity, ICGalilei Tradate secondary school.
Friday, December 28, 2018
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Nativity scenes made from recycled materials
The students of fifth and sixth grade of C.E.I.P. Enrique Iglesias García school have participated in the Nativity exhibition this Christmas time. They have to create a Nativity scene using as much as possible recycled or natural material (such as bricks, cartoons, cans, shoe boxes, sticks, stones, cork...)
Monday, December 17, 2018
II Enviromental Meeting in Badajoz
On December 2nd some families of the Enrique Iglesias school have participated in II
Enviromental Meeting in Badajoz. Some of the activities we've done were:
* Cleaning the closest area to the Guadiana river.
* Recycling of the garbage found.
* Fotography workshop.
* Making animal paws with clay.
* Making bird houses in wood.
* Watching birds.
* Learning how the river is been measured by the Emergency Military Patrol.
It was a great Sunday . Everybody learned and enjoyed caring the river.
Enviromental Meeting in Badajoz. Some of the activities we've done were:
* Cleaning the closest area to the Guadiana river.
* Recycling of the garbage found.
* Fotography workshop.
* Making animal paws with clay.
* Making bird houses in wood.
* Watching birds.
* Learning how the river is been measured by the Emergency Military Patrol.
It was a great Sunday . Everybody learned and enjoyed caring the river.
Sunday, December 09, 2018
Enviromental survey results
In Enrique Iglesias school ninety three families have answered the enviromental survey. Half of the families think is very urgent to be taken enviromental measures. Most of them know to screen the garbage and recycle.
80% of the survey respondents have all kind of recycling containers next to their houses and they sort the garbage and recycle. The mothers are in most of the cases the person who is in charge of this activity.
They think not to have enough space in their houses could be a problem to recycle.
Most of them considers themselves a enviroment conciuos people.
80% of the survey respondents have all kind of recycling containers next to their houses and they sort the garbage and recycle. The mothers are in most of the cases the person who is in charge of this activity.
They think not to have enough space in their houses could be a problem to recycle.
Most of them considers themselves a enviroment conciuos people.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Students selection for the training meeting in Italy
All the students have written a motivation letter to show the skills to represent the school in the meeting. After that, they have introduced themselves and they tell us why they want to go to meeting.
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Creating our planet
We have made a selection of different books to learn and be aware of the problems of our planet nowadays. Through the reading we will think about the possible solutions to these problems.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018
The deforestation
Monday, October 15, 2018
Friday, June 15, 2018
Saturday, June 09, 2018
Friday, June 08, 2018
Monday, June 04, 2018
Medieval Heritage
Sunday, June 03, 2018
(click on the link to visit the work)
Saturday, June 02, 2018
My Erasmus+ en Romania by Marcos Francisco Romo
The distance that separated us was great, as well as the desire to travel. We left Badajoz, along with the teachers who have accompanied us in this exchange and our parents, who gladly took us to the Lisbon airport. The plane left at 7:00 p.m. and we arrived in Bucharest at 02:00. Although the trip was long, it was also entertaining. The boys slept with teacher Monica and Jimena with teacher Montse.
The next day, in the morning we were visiting Bucharest. I was impressed with their buildings. We ate hamburgers from McDonald's on the train, because we wanted to take advantage of it to see as many things as possible. The journey was also a bit long ...
The distance that separated us was great, as well as the desire to travel. We left Badajoz, along with the teachers who have accompanied us in this exchange and our parents, who gladly took us to the Lisbon airport. The plane left at 7:00 p.m. and we arrived in Bucharest at 02:00. Although the trip was long, it was also entertaining. The boys slept with teacher Monica and Jimena with teacher Montse.
The next day, in the morning we were visiting Bucharest. I was impressed with their buildings. We ate hamburgers from McDonald's on the train, because we wanted to take advantage of it to see as many things as possible. The journey was also a bit long ...
Learning with the NGO "Entreculturas"
Children and adolescents are protagonists of peace building.
We carry on working on conflicts resolution within the Erasmus + Project. On May 10th, fouth, fifth and sixth grade students have participated in the workshop "Children soldier" of the NGO "Entreculturas".
Thousands of children participate in armed conflicts suffering from abuse, used to commit violent acts, losing the right of education, protection, food, or their development from the game and fun.
Facing these real situations the children learn the importance of listening two sides of a conflict and how each person is responsible of peace building.
We carry on working on conflicts resolution within the Erasmus + Project. On May 10th, fouth, fifth and sixth grade students have participated in the workshop "Children soldier" of the NGO "Entreculturas".
Thousands of children participate in armed conflicts suffering from abuse, used to commit violent acts, losing the right of education, protection, food, or their development from the game and fun.
Facing these real situations the children learn the importance of listening two sides of a conflict and how each person is responsible of peace building.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Third training meeting
From 7 to 11 May, the third training meeting took place within the
Erasmus project "Writing our history. Creating our planet" in the
Colegiul Calistratat Hogas of the city of Piatra Neamt (Romania).
The theme of training was "conflict resolution and mediation".
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Friday, May 25, 2018
Monday, May 21, 2018
Cooperative group in Kinderganden
During the second school term 4 years old children have been learning about Prehistory. They have been working in cooperative work as long as they can. Worksheets and posters created by the children have been used to work all the aspects related to life, feeding and animals of the prehistory. All students have contributed to elaborate all the works using different plastic techniques.
In the English lessons they have been making a “Stonehenge” model with blocks made by reusing milk bricks. They have learned to reproduce this megalithic monument in a very funny way.
Teachers: Yolanda Moreno, Nieves Becerra, Fina Pulido, Isabel Martin
In the English lessons they have been making a “Stonehenge” model with blocks made by reusing milk bricks. They have learned to reproduce this megalithic monument in a very funny way.
Teachers: Yolanda Moreno, Nieves Becerra, Fina Pulido, Isabel Martin
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Human ages Big books
We have made four big books to learn about the different ages of History. Pre-school students have fun studying prehistory (houses, tools, clothes..). Primary students learnt about the History from Roman peaple, passing through Middle Age to the Modern Age. The pupils looked for information, read texts and drew t to create the big book. We always worked in cooperative works, diveded in groups to do a better learing.
An Ancient Age play
We can enjoy at the school theatre learning about History. The romanian students showed us a great way to discover how people lived at the Ancient Age. We can see Romans, Greeks or Egipts telling us their problems and style of life.
Thursday, March 01, 2018
HiStories across Time - Romania
“Memories of My Childhood”
”Robin Hood”
“Iliad, Odyssey” for children
The story here told has inspired people of all civilizations for nearly 3,000 years. No person should be allowed reach adulthood without having experienced some aspects of Greek classical civilization and these action-packed tales of heroism, humanity, weakness, tragedy and joy are a great starting-point. A sampling of the stories of the Iliad, Odyssey and of other Greek myths and heroes can be the start of a lifetime of fascination.

“Savage Stone Age”
Throughout this book you will read about the timeline of human evolution and the three prehistoric periods of mankind, how Stone Agers lived, the animals they hunted till becoming extinct. We will also learn more about the food they ate, how they cooked it, about their weird beliefs and gruesome burials, about brainy archaeologists, treasure hunters, accidental discoveries, stone circles legends and mysteries and many other curious facts which won’t let you put the book or reading device down.
”World History – From Its Origins Till 2000”
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Carnival in the school
A great way to have fun using songs and makeup. We learnt about History and sing about old ages. Everybody enjoys the parade.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Reading about Human Ages
Who did the first men look like?
How did the Neanderthal man light up the fire?
Who were Cro Magnons and why did they paint in the caves?
How was a Neolithic village made?
Through a simple language and very beautiful images, this book starts looking for the origins of our species to follow the evolutions of the first men.
Who did the first men look like?
How did the Neanderthal man light up the fire?
Who were Cro Magnons and why did they paint in the caves?
How was a Neolithic village made?
Through a simple language and very beautiful images, this book starts looking for the origins of our species to follow the evolutions of the first men.
This is the chronicle of a normal day of the tribe: the arrival in an already known cave, the lighting of the fire, the stories told by the elders, a magic dance ... In the Ogon cave the shaman paints a horse on the wall and explains to Aua that this animal is not a prey, but its guiding spirit. Women and children collect fruits, herbs and roots. Aua tries to fish with a trident. All await the hunters, who finally, after a few days, return with a large prey: a deer killed with poisoned arrows. The tribe is satisfied with meat and everyone falls asleep happy.
The true story of humanity's progress from Prehistory to the Second world war reduced to a volume of just over three hundred pages. In this book Gombrich speaks to the reader as an older brother who tells a story to the younger brothers.
This book is an excellent tool to make students reflect on the history of our planet and discuss in class about historical epochal facts and representative characters of their time.
"STORIE DELLA BUONANOTTE PER BAMBINE RIBELLI" MONDADORI100 women are told in these pages and illustrated by 60 illustrators from all over the world.
100 examples of female strength and courage to make known to our students, male and female, to learn important lessons from their biographies and reflect on the role of women throughout history.
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